Support the
LKY Saints

Personal and Corporate donations welcome!
The LKY saints
Louisville Homeschool Athletics (LKY Saints) is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Support LKY
Financial or Volunteer
Use this page to learn how to support Louisville Homeschool Athletics, INC., The LKY Saints, as a 501c3 non-profit. You can show your support for the Saints through both financial donations and donations of your time!
Using the information here, donations can be made directly to Louisville Homeschool Athletics via PayPal.

Kroger Plus
Connect your Kroger Plus card to “Community Rewards” and select Louisville Homeschool Athletics (zip code 40228).
In the Kroger app, simply choose “Rewards” from the menu and follow the prompts. You can also use the button below for instructions on connecting your card through other methods.
Flip Give
FlipGive is an easy way to support your Saints by simply continuing to shop where you are already shopping! Use the FlipGive App to purchase gift cards to the places you already go (retail, food/drink, services), and LKY automatically receives a donation – at NO extra expense to your family! See instructions below to set up today.

Financial Support QUestions?
Use this form to get in touch with questions about Financially supporting the LKY Saints.